Nov 8, 2014 | By : admin
Cash flow is the movement of money and in and out of your business. Most businesses cash flow problems stem from providing credit to their customers. Here are four tips that you can easily implement to save yourself sleepless nights. 1. Be clear about your terms Many new businesses in their rush to engage new clients don’t create proper application forms and obtain credit references. The most important reason in having an application form is that they have to sign that they have read yo
Oct 31, 2014 | By : admin
I am pleased to announce to everyone that I am now a registered BAS Agent. Just some historical background, the official role of a BAS Agent is relatively new and was introduced in 2009 to regulate the BAS related services offered by contract bookkeepers. Until this point, most contract bookkeepers were calculating and lodging their client’s GST and PAYG obligations, without any training or experience required. This was great for business owners as it was a cheaper alternative to their accou
Aug 19, 2014 | By : admin
How you invoice can make a huge difference to your cash flow. By improving your invoice processes you can ensure that your customers will pay you on time. Send invoices early After you have completed a service or sale an invoice should be prepared and issued promptly so that your payment terms will commence at the earliest possible date. Don’t wait until the end of the week or month as delaying means that their payment to you is deferred and could possibly affect your cash flow or worse still