How should you go about hiring a Contract bookkeeper?

Jul 3, 2014 | By : admin

    Finding someone you can trust and rely on to handle your books is not a decision you should make lightly. You need to be sure that they are honest and qualified to take on your accounting systems of your business. I find the best source of recommendations is by asking friends and other business owners that can refer you someone that they know and trust their ability. There are a lot of so called bookkeepers out that making finding a great bookkeeper a difficult task. With the recen


Knowing your Break- Even Point

Jun 12, 2014 | By : admin

For a company to succeed it is imperative that you know your break-even point. Chasing turnover without regular job costing and Income Statements (Profit and Loss) means you are running blind. You need to take the time to know and understand your cost structure. Know your fixed costs (rent, wages, power, telephone accounts and insurance) as opposed to your variable costs. Understand the gross margin you need to achieve to be profitable. Are you pricing for profit or for survival? Are you recover


Common Bookkeeping Mistakes Small Businesses makes

Jun 11, 2014 | By : admin

We’ve all read the statistics showing that half of all new small business fails within the first five years. The primary cause they say is poor financial management and for many business owners bookkeeping is often a task left to the last minute. With a poor understanding of accounts and compliance regulations this often can mean costly mistakes leading to penalties for late or incorrect lodgement of returns. It makes economic sense to engage a professional certified bookkeeper to do the day t