Jun 8, 2014 | By : admin
One of the most common mistakes new business owners can make is sending out incorrect invoices. Sending out the wrong invoice can have serious consequences for your business and can interrupt your cash flow and possibly financial loss. You need to be aware that you have to distinguish between the two types of invoices. The first invoice type is a “tax invoice” and is issued by businesses registered for Goods and Services Tax (GST). The second type is a “general invoice” and is used by no
May 19, 2014 | By : admin
During meetings with clients this question has come up several times and can be a bit tricky if you are a small business owner. It use to be that if you had a meeting with a business client you could claim this as a business deduction. With the change of technology and the business world becoming more and more increasingly mobile, client and work meetings are often held in cafes and restaurants while eating and drinking. The rules have changed and consuming food and drinks in the city you live i
May 19, 2014 | By : admin
Trying to keep up with all the new changes to superannuation can be difficult for small business owners who are pressed for time just trying to run their businesses and make a profit. If you fail to comply with the new requirements you can be liable for a maximum penalty of 30 penalty units, with each penalty unit valued at $110.00. It is important that employers have an understanding of the new requirements as well as what their obligations are likely to be in the not too distant future. This i