Making GST reporting easier

Sep 8, 2017 | By : admin

  If you’re a small business with a GST turnover of less than $10 million, Simpler BAS is now your GST reporting method. This means you only need to report: Total sales GST on sales GST on purchases If you use accounting software, you can keep your original detailed GST classifications, or choose the Simpler BAS bookkeeping settings with reduced codes. It’s completely optional and the choice is yours. Paper BAS forms haven’t changed, just leave the sections blank where informa



Jun 24, 2017 | By : admin

If you employ backpackers who are in Australia on a 417 or 462 working holiday visa there are some things you’ll need to do following the tax rate changes that started on 1 January 2017. It’s unusual that they have changed the tax rate during the year rather than start it from the 1st July so you may have to processes two payment summaries (Group Certificates in old language!) Hired a working holiday maker before 1 January 2017? You’ll need to issue two payment summaries for


TFN declaration forms can now be downloaded!

Feb 13, 2017 | By : admin

  We know there’s a lot of paperwork to complete when you hire new employees. The ATO have listened to you and developed a fillable TFN declaration form which is available on their  website. You no longer need to order the form and wait for it to be mailed to you. Just download it from or even better ask your new employee to download the form and fill it in on the screen. Once it’s filled in print it off, get your employees signature then send the original copy to the