May 2, 2016 | By : admin
Oh you’ve put on your super form that it is go to specific people or as per your will . Think again! Unless you have signed a Binding Death Nomination Form the faceless people in superannuation land will decide who gets what. My neighbour’s daughter tragically died at 52 leaving her super to her mother to compensate her for the money she had given her over the years to buy a home. I saw a copy and it clearly stated that it was to go to her mother; however the Super people decided it that it
Apr 7, 2016 | By : admin
Small employers (19 or fewer employees) must meet the SuperStream standard by 30 June 2016. Larger employers should have been using SuperStream since 31 October 2015. This standard offers a simpler way of making super contributions and, for many employers, will provide a single channel for making contributions to multiple super funds. Under SuperStream, you need to pay super contributions for your employees electronically (EFT or BPAY) and send the associated data electronically. This means you
Mar 8, 2016 | By : admin
Do you hate bookkeeping?Are you surrounded and swamped down with piles of paperwork? If you’re a small business owner that’s already got too much to do and not enough hours in your day I can offer a solution for you! It makes sense to free up your time and outsource your bookkeeping. Do you know that contract bookkeepers by law must pass a stringent quality control process regarding character, qualifications and experience as well has having Professional Indemnity Insurance and Profe